Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weight loss=more acting gigs?

Let's start this by saying: I'm NOT a video game person, the only system I can truely call mine in this house is my SuperNintendo system, and I love the thing. That and my DSi, which I play Mario on anyway-you get my point!

My brother, on the other hand, has every system that has ever been around. Which, he either still has, or it has at least taken residence in my house for a period of time. Including the Nintendo Wii system.

Now, like I said, usually I don't look at the system, I don't know the system, it doesn't know me-we just don't get along. But, while my brother was home from winter break, he suggested the game Wii Fit to me-a game that will actually help me lose weight.

Hmm...skepticisim. I'm the type of person you need to trick into working out. I don't do the gym, I find it boring. I can't do the same stuff at home, because again-boring. If I'm going to work out, please, for the love of cake-trick me into doing it!

So, we go down to the local GameStop where he works while he's at home, and I purchased a pre-owned Wii Fit, and board. $60 something dollars later, I'm now the semi-proud owner of this device that practically promises results, as long as you use it for at least a half an hour a day everyday.

So, there it sits, for almost a week, without me having touched it. My brother and mom have both used it, and it looks like a lot of fun-but I don't excersise with people around, I just, don't. I never have, and never will. I get self concious-I'm not performing, damnit, I'm working out, don't look at me!

I finally have a night where nobody is around, so I plugged the game in, and worked out for a half an hour-this was last week. And I loved it! I turned the game off after the half hour and haven't touched it since, since there were always people around-mainly my family.

Then yesterday, mom and I were talking about the game, since I had a 7 day grace period to return it and get my money back-which my brother kept insisting I could do, since nobody had SEEN me use the device. I told them no, I bought it, it's mine, I'm keeping it. I'm going to actually give this a try.

As my brother kept babbling on about something, my mom looked at me, and asked if I were going to use it to lose weight. I said yes, and then she said something to the effect of "good, overweight actresses are hardly successful."

Now, in one part of my brain-I was jumping up and down screaming things like "WHAATT!!!? pick a direction-do you consider me an actress or not?!", the other half of my brain went "wait a tick....that may explain a lot."

So here's my question- doesmy weight loss equal more roles for me? I think it might. Considering most actors (going with female now, the word actress was actually denonced about a year ago-now you're an actor reguardless of gender), are tiny to fit into costumes, be lifted up by men, and all that goes in between-it actually does make sense.

Today is day #2 with this thing (remember I used it last week, too), and I'm going to track my results in the form of this blog, as well as continuing with the other stuff that I've BEEN writing about.

But, this is a big part of being an actor-taking care of yourself. I'll admit, I haven't taken the BEST care of myself (I once went through a whole summer eating almost nothing but Taco Bell for lunch), but I take better care of myself now than I ever did. And if this thing helps me to do what I would do at a gym, without the unfortunate side affects of you know, paying for a membership, working out in public, and then having to make the effort to get there and back, then I'll do it and see what happens.

For now, the Wii Fit calls, and I must go try this thing for at least a half hour. And just because everyone's curious-no, I haven't heard about the audition I just had quite yet. The director said it'd be by the end of the week.

Will keep you posted :)

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing hysterically over "but I don't excersise with people around, I just, don't. I never have, and never will. I get self concious-I'm not performing, damnit, I'm working out, don't look at me!" because I am the EXACT same way!!! We have a Wii Fit that is hooked up to our main TV. I haven't used it in over a year because anytime I feel the urge to use it, Chris is sitting there playing on the computer and refusing to leave the room. And I refuse to work out with someone watching, so forget that! My plan is to move our current TV upstairs to a spare room when we get a new TV and hook my Wii up to the upstairs TV so it can finally get some use.
