Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To Eat..or not to eat?

To eat or not to eat...that's always the question!

Sitting here, looking at the clock, I know have to be at the theatre do some backstage work for a production of "Barefoot in the Park". And, my refridgerator is empty, as is my freezer (I ate the last lean cusine at lunch time).

So here's my dilemma: What in the world am I going to eat tonight?

Anyone who's been following this blog, knows that I'm on a mission of sorts to lose weight, even going out and buying a Nintendo Wii to work out with.

I'm happy to report I've lost 8lbs so far, and that number of pounds lost I hope keeps climbing in the next few weeks.

Here's the problem though: With nothing in the house to eat for dinner...all I'm left with is picking something up on the way to the theatre-something, undoubtedly no damn good for me, or my goal, or my waistline, my pants..etc! You get the picture!

So what to do? Well, obviously this is going to take some careful planning. As I wasn't expecting to be working 'Barefoot..', I didn't carefully plan out how I was going to deal with the not being home at night to eat blah blah blah, and the whole, being on my own for dinner thing.

I had a plan for "The Heiress" that I auditioned for (more about that in another post), but not for this.

I'm flying by the seat of my pants here, kids!

Tonight, I succumb to my vice: Dunkin Donuts, as a source for my meal for the evening. But, I know that if this weight loss thing is going to work-that I need to cut that out!

Tomorrow, after babysitting (I picked up an early morning babysitting gig), I'll come home, nap, work out, and then carefully plan how I'm going to get through dinners on my own for this run of the show.

I do feel like all actors face this at some time or another, and I've seen pictures that prove this: What in the hell do you eat during show runs?

You can't eat anything heavy before a show-you just can't! Your nerves are in knots, and so is your stomach, your one focus is getting out there to entertain the people, and to have fun. Most of the time before a show, I'm just thinking of a quick snack or a small meal to hold me over so I don't pass out onstage from lack of anything in my system.

In a rarity, when I tech a show, I do like to eat before hand. If I'm not onstage, but am working at the thearte-which again, rarely happens because I keep myself ONSTAGE rather than OFF, I eat beforehand because it's just another part of my night to me.

That's just my take on it. With it being 5pm now, I need to get ready to go and then stop and get my dinner for tonight.

Until next time....


  1. Where do you live? There's no A&P, Shoprite, Foodtown, Subway, pizza place, etc. etc. etc.?

    It's just Dunkin' Donuts and that's it?


  2. At the time that I wrote this I didn't have time to get food and make it (ie shoprite, foodtown, etc), because as it said, I wasn't planning on WORKING the show. I had auditioned for it, and didn't make it. The director of the show called me about an hour before I had to be there and was like "would you mind helping...?" and of course I couldn't say no!

    As far as getting food before going to the theatre at those other places (subway, pizza, etc), I try not to eat anything that heavy before a show. That's why Dunkin is sometimes my best option..I'd rather throw a coffee down my throat and pick up a bagel than eat anything too heavy.

    That's what the issue was :)
