Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Didn't want to have to do this..but I guess I have to

Okay, so a few months ago, I posted a blog on here I entitled "Day Job". This is the blog where I mentioned that it takes me $28 to get into the city, and without a day job it's hard.

THIS is the post everyone has decided to jump on and comment on...so I feel it's neccessary to defend my position, instead of going on, telling people about the show that I'm in.

First off, let me say I'm very sorry for putting that ONE statement in the blog post, because you all grabbed it and ran with it and beat me over the coals for it.

Second, I KNOW that I'm not in NY bussing tables or anything like that-don't you think I'd LOVE to be doing that? LOVE to be in NY somewhere, taking shifts at a part time job? I'm on survivaljobsforactors.com everyday looking for stuff just like that-haven't found anything yet. So let's start there.

I know I'm in community theatre in the suburbs right now-and Im not going to be here much longer, and am scouring playbill.com everyday looking for open calls since I don't have my equity card and can't go to equity calls yet.

As for living at home-anyone that's a RECENT college graduate almost has no choice but to live at home. Unless they've got something set up in terms of a significant other, or a roommate to live with and split the rent with, neither of which I have.

And where did I ever say that I think my life is like Mark and Roger's? I've never used those words, not once, not ever. I know that I don't live that way, I'm not dumb.

I know auditions aren't easy to get, I'm not delusional..but, I could still "audition my ass off" at the auditions that I DO get-right? Right.

Now. If there's anything else I've missed, any other grievenece my "Anonymous" posters have for me...let me know.

If not, let's all move on. I'd really hate to lock comments so that just these 7 people can read them again. And it wouldn't be because I don't want to hear what people say-you guys think you're the FIRST ones to tell me this? Please...

It'd be because that ONE poste, is NOT what this blog is about. If you don't like what I have to say-don't read.

And this is the last time I'm entertaining this type of conversation here. I do plan to make big moves and changes in the next year.

End of story.

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