Monday, April 25, 2011

The Countdown is ON!!!

Well, here it is folks...FOUR DAYS TIL OPENING!!

Gotta say, I always start to get butterflies as we go into tech week and are fully in groove and tune with out characters, and with each other. Now's the time for the last second fine tuning, and making sure the sound, lights, and props are all where they need to be, and fill in the missing gaps.

This is also the week that we all may as well set up cots in the theatre as we are there longer hours than with regular rehearsal. This is why actors affectionately call this week "hell week"!

Here's what this week has in store for me:

Monday-need to be at the theatre for 6pm...need to be able to eat dinner around 5, or grab something on the way and eat it at the theatre as I get into costume, hair and makeup.

Tuesday-Important e-mail to be written in the morning, 2 hour workout, and need to be at the theatre for 6pm

This goes on until Thursday. On Thursday night, we have our one and only preview performance-we call it our "dress rehearsal", but we DO have an audience, so I call it our preview performance.

Usually, we open the theatre up to anyone who wants to see the show for free-remember, this is the dress rehearsal- and then after the performance, the actors sit onstage and answer various questions and take compliments from the audience.

However-that is NOT the case with this show. On Thursday night, we are having the "women in business" group come to the theatre, and we are hosting a special night full of finger sandwhiches and lessons about how far women have come since the 1850s-now.

The show is scheduled to 6:30pm! This means, I need to be at the theatre for 5pm..Thursday's going to be fun as I make last minute arrangements for people who want to come to the show in the coming weeks, and make sure my butt is in the makeup chair by NO LATER than 5:15, and I've eaten, no later than 5:30.

Man I love this industry!

This will also be the week that you see actors doing their pre-show rituals, more bonding will occur backstage now that we're no longer allowed to sit in the audience and watch each other, and THIS is where the memories start coming from when all is said and done.

I am incredibly excited to begin this show on Thursday night, and even more excited for opening on Friday night!

On Friday afternoon, I'll post another blog and document the pre-show feelings as I sit at home in preparation for leaving for the theatre.

Until next time.... :)

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